About Matt Kosterman

Man, Spiritual Being, Father, Brother, Friend, Photographer, Producer, Psychonaut, Seeker, Healer, Mentor, Protege

Depressed most of my life, in 2015 I began experiencing severe pelvic pain, chronic fatigue and symptoms of fibromyalgia. As a result of a challenging yet powerful healing journey and awakening, I now help others to heal and transform their lives. When I’m not assisting people in awakening their Inner Healing Intelligence, I photograph people.

You can see some of my work here.

I wear a lot of hats. Don’t we all? Born in Madison, Wisconsin in the year 1969, I am the oldest of three children. I’ve lived in 14 different cities (several more than once) and nine states . I currently live and work in the Ukrainian Village neighborhood in Chicago, Illinois. I’ve got two incredible adult daughters. I enjoy travel and any activity that raises my consciousness.

Anything Is Possible

I employ a variety of methods to assist you in moving forward powerfully in your life.

  • I’m trained in Body Memory Recall, a form of Myofascial Unwinding, coupled with coaching to unlock and release emotions that are trapped in the body.

  • I’ve personally worked with all the major psychedelic compounds (except Iboga). I advise on choice of substance, preparation. post-journey integration and more.

  • I am attuned to Reiki Level 2 and Access Consciousness’ Access Bars modality.

  • I’m quite intuitive and empathic and bring to bear 15 years of work and study of personal growth and consciousness to offer insights and options that may not be in your field of awareness.

  • I’m currently enrolled in the three year Ecstatic Mysticism course, offered by AWE of Columbia.

Book a consultation here.


Professional Photographer

I create authentic portraits of people and photograph corporate events all over the country.
Please feel free to browse my professional photography website.


My Blog / Journal

I’m told I have a knack for putting my feelings into words. Please feel free to read my blog.


 View select art created by the physics of sound vibration at Journey of Curiosity.