Meander through my life - how I’ve suffered and
how I’ve healed from that suffering. I don’t hold much back.
You’re not alone. You don’t have to suffer alone. There is
a way back to wholeness. And you hold the map and key.

Mom | December 2, 1946 – June 29, 2020
My mother, Lynne Carol Kosterman (neé Johnson) passed away at the end of last June, in South Carolina. She and my father had moved there less than a year earlier into the first newly constructed house they inhabited in their 50+ years of marriage.

Lost and Searching
And those of you who went to UW-Madison thought it was one of the colleges. It’s 2010, I’m in a pretty good depression. My photo lab business is going south fast, I’m living in a two bedroom house with a leaky porch that has likely been classified a “fixer upper since at least the mid-90s. There was definitely relief at being out of the marriage (which was also a fixer upper since at least the late-90s).

The Other “D” Word
I’ve had this one in the can for awhile. This seemed like an appropriate time for it to drop, as you’ve been quickly brought up to speed on the first 30 years or so of my evolution here and here.
Debt, Divorce and Drinking. The Triple Crown! I had my first alcoholic drink in New Jersey at around age 13. It was from a bottle of Southern Comfort my friend swiped from his folks. We drank from it in a tiny little fort we built from materials scavenged from construction sites into the side of a hill on the edge of a woods in an empty lot across the street from my house. You might wonder how or why I had any interest in continuing to drink after tasting that godawful swill. Good question. I guess I was committed to escaping. Or looking cool. Or something! Blech.

Greetings, Fellow Seeker! What’s in Store for You?
Welcome to my small patch of grass on the internet. I’ve been kicking around the idea of putting all the things I’ve learned on my journey of (currently) 51 years and counting out into the world. A book seems awfully ambitious and so I settled on a blog. The actual impetus for doing it at this moment will be revealed in time.
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